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Wise words for hard moments...

Sometimes you have no clue how to continue, whether on a steep mountain, in your armchair or behind your desk. 

But the quotes come to the rescue! We have collected a bunch of motivating, humorous and serious qoutes from famous and not so famous people.

Most of them relate to mountaineering in one way or another although even we don't always see the connection :-)

Motivational climbing quote 1:

"The man who gives up accomplishes nothing and is only a hindrance. The man who does not give up can move mountains." -- Ernest Hello

Motivational climbing quote 2:

"Only through suffering can we find ourselves." -- Dostoyevsky.

Motivational climbing quote 3:

"You can grunt and heave, sweat and strain, wear yourself out, and unless you simply forget about it and step up, you won't even get off the ground." -- Mike Borghoff.

Motivational climbing quote 4:

"I climb as hard as anyone on earth. I just do it on easier routes." -- Mad Dog.

Motivational climbing quote 5:

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." -- Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)

(Refresh for more random climbing related quotes or submit your own on the quotes and jokes forum!)